Technical guidance and modules on community-based mental health services: promoting people-centred and rights-based approaches: summary

Throughout the world, mental health care is still widely provided in psychiatric hospitals, and human rights violations and coercive practices are still all too common. But the provision of community-based mental health care that respects human rights and is focused on recovery is proving to be effective and cost-effective, according to new guidance released today by the World Health Organization.
The mental health care recommended in the new guidelines should be provided in the community and should cover not only mental health care, but also support for daily living, such as facilitating access to housing and links to education and employment services.
The new WHO "WHO Guidelines on Community-Based Mental Health Services: Promoting People-Centred and Rights-Based Approaches" further affirm that mental health care must be based on a human rights-based approach, as recommended in the WHO Comprehensive Plan of Action for Mental Health 2020-2030. , adopted by the World Health Assembly in May 2021.