Call for Entries: Drawing Attention to Substance Use Disorders through the Use of Humour

This contest aims to create public awareness, especially among young people, and promote the direct involvement of the wider society in addressing addictions through the use of humour. The main topic of the contest is "Away from addictions to a healthy life”. Participants are asked to address the damages of addiction to individuals and society as well as expressing sub-topics like drug, tobacco, alcohol, technology and gambling addictions.
If you want to participate, follow the guidelines below and send your entry along with the participation form to cartooncontest [at] yesilay [dot] org [dot] tr (cartooncontest[at]yesilay[dot]org[dot]tr) by 20 November 2016.
- Number of entries: One person can send up to 3 entries.
- Size of art work: A4 or A3
- Colour: Black and white or coloured
- Language: Either Turkish or English can be used if needed. However, visual expression will be the focus rather than the words.
Learn more about the contest on the Green Crescent's website.