Evaluation Report on Drug Control for the Sixth Evaluation Round of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM)

The Evaluation Report on Drug Control (2014) for the Sixth Evaluation Round of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM) measures the progress of actions taken by the 34 OAS (Organization of American States) member states to address the drug problem and other related offenses. The sixth round focused on a set of 27 standard recommendations derived from the Plan of Action, 2011-2015, of the 2010 CICAD Hemispheric Drug Strategy.
The recommendations cover five key areas of drug control, which include institutional strengthening, demand reduction, supply reduction, control measures and international cooperation. The Evaluation Reports were approved at the CICAD-56 regular session in Guatemala in November 2014. The MEM helps identify the strengths and weaknesses in countries and encourages national dialogue and awareness among stakeholders of the drug problem and national drug control policy. The Mechanism is considered "the only valid hemispheric tool for evaluating drug control policies in the countries that make up the inter-American system." (Declaration of Antigua Guatemala, 43rd regular session of the OAS General Assembly, 2013).