XR-Naltrexone: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Providers' Clinical Support System for Medication Assisted Treatment (PCSS-MAT) experts have recently created a virtual step-by-step XR-Naltrexone User Guide to assist you in your practice in treating opioid use disorder (OUD). XR-Naltrexone is one of the FDA approved medications for the treatment of OUD.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions from obtaining patient history and transitioning to treatment, to follow-up and throughout continuum of care. The guide includes a number of templates for evaluation and follow-up visits that clinicians can use in their daily practice, as well as a handout for patients and families. Also, an algorithm is included to assist the clinician in determining whether the patient is ready to receive the naltrexone injection and recommendations for using adjunctive medications.
PCSS-MAT would like to acknowledge Drs. Adam Bisaga and Sandra Springer for their vital role in creating this guide. For more information contact pcssmat [at] aaap [dot] org (PCSS-MAT).