ISSUP Mexico 2017

At the beginning of April ISSUP’s Deputy Executive Director, Joanna Travis-Roberts, headed to Cancún, Mexico to plan for this year’s Annual ISSUP Workshop and meet with the relevant organising partners. Joanna was joined on the trip by staff from the US Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), the Embassy of the USA’s INL Mexico and Centros de Integración Juvenil, A.C. (CIJ).
During the visit the group held meetings to plan event proceedings and visited the event locations. There was also time for a visit to CIJ’s ‘Centro Cancún’ to see the work they do there to treat and prevent substance use disorders. The centre, despite being CIJ’s smallest was a hive of activity and during our visit we saw a youth music group, young people and their families being counselled, peer-to-peer training and their mobile lung testing unit.
ISSUP is very excited to be working with INL, INL Mexico and CIJ on the event which will be taking place 4th – 8th of December 2017. As well as partnering with CIJ’s 19th Congress there will be training opportunities and networking meetings taking place. In such a beautiful location and with so many options for professional development available, this year’s event is going to be popular. Watch this space for information on the plans as they develop and how to book your place!