Scientific article
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United States
mental health

Can Depression Lead to E-Cigarette Use?

There remain many unanswered questions regarding the health effects of e-cigarettes. A new study published in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco suggests that there may be a link between e-cigarette use among university students and depression. Specifically, the research claims that students with high levels of depressive symptoms are more likely to use e-cigarettes compared with those who do not show signs of depression.

The lead author of the study comments: "We don't know why depression leads to e-cigarette use. It may be self-medication. Just like with cigarettes, when students feel stressed out, using e-cigarettes may make them feel better. Or it could be that since e-cigarettes have been marketed as a smoking cessation device, depressed students may be using e-cigarettes to help them quit smoking traditional cigarettes."

It is important to remember that as yet there has been little clinical research to suggest that e-cigarettes help people smokers quit.

The data used in the research was collected by the Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science on Youth and Young Adults (Texas TCORS). This was created to conduct research that can help to guide future decisions on tobacco regulations across the US.

Students were chosen for this particular study because e-cigarette use is at its highest level among adolescents and young people. According to the US Surgeon General’s report on e-cigarette use, for this age group nicotine exposure may cause addiction and harm the developing brain.

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