1st ISSUP National Chapter Philippines Conference

"Our long time dream of gathering professionals and people interested in addiction recovery is now very real," said Eddie L. Castillo at the opening of the 1st ISSUP National Chapter Philippines Conference. The conference was held in Quezon City from November 6 – 11, 2017. The conference officially marked the presence of ISSUP National Chapter in the Philippines since its establishment in August 2014.
The Vice Mayor of Quezon City, Ma. Joseffina G. Belmonte and the Director of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs U.S. Embassy to the Philippines, Mr. Brandon A. Hudspeth were also present at the ceremony. Brandon A. Hudspeth highlighted the role of ISSUP National Chapter Philippines as a key partner as the U.S. Embassy works with the government on developing a comprehensive drug demand reduction programme.
The conference was hosted by the Office of the Vice Mayor of Quezon City and supported by the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs U.S. Embassy to the Philippines, the Dangerous Drug Board Philippines, and the Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme. More than 150 national and international participants including government officials, representatives from international organisations, civil society and academia attended the conference. They all got a chance to share their experience, increase their skills and knowledge in the training sessions and explore avenues for future collaboration.