2nd International Conference on Addiction Research and Therapy, May 13-14, 2019 Prague, Czech Republic

2nd International Conference on Addiction Research and Therapy
May 13-14, 2019 Prague, Czech Republic
Theme: An understandable look at the dilemma of Addiction
Addiction 2019 Web page:http://addiction.alliedacademies.com/
Addiction Congress Committee is truly grateful to welcome all the participants from all over the world to join and explore more at the 2nd International Conference on Addiction Research and Therapy which is slated on May 13-14, 2019 in Prague, Czech Republic.
The Conference is designed under the theme “An understandable look at the dilemma of Addiction “ which is drafted with a number of sessions and tracks with all the latest trends on Addiction.
It is a two days Conference which provides a tremendous platform to refresh the knowledge and to explore the new innovation all over the world in the field of Addiction.
The Conference has best highlights to share their views and some of the highlighted sessions are Drug Addition, Substance Addiction, Addiction Psychiatry, Psychosis in Addiction, Addiction and Brain disease, Dual Diagnosis.
Addiction Congress invites all the Addiction related Researchers, Professors, Addictologist, Addiction Therapist, Addiction Counselors, Addiction Psychiatry, Clinical Psychiatrist, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Mental Health Specialist, Scientist, Doctors, Delegates, Students, Graduates, Young Researchers and all other professionals to share their studies and recent research work at our Global Dias where everyone can have a look and share their views on Addiction Science.
Addiction 2019 anticipates more than 500 participants around the globe to experience thought-provoking Keynote lectures, Oral & Poster Presentations. This Addiction Conference will offer ample opportunities for all stakeholders working on various Addiction Spectrum to expose their research work
Group Participation have the separate discount in their registration and it would be exciting, challenging, and a rewarding experience for you in our Dias.
Speaker Benefits:
- Attendees will avail CME/CPD approval.
- Attendees will be certified with Special continuing professional development accreditation (CPD standards office London, UK).
- Abstracts will be published in International Journal with DOI provided by Cross Ref.
- Certification by the International Organizing Committee.
- Possibility for collaboration and networking with the expert.
- Project sponsorship opportunity from the conference sponsors/ Exhibitors.
- Possibility to chair and co-chair scientific sessions (based on the availability and eligibility).
- A chance to organize Workshops and Symposia.
- Photograph and institute logo will be displayed in the conference website.
We hope that you will seize the opportunity to rekindle ongoing connections and spark new ones with your colleagues from around the globe.
We encourage Addiction Societies, Companies and Association to collaborate with us and looking forward to having your gracious presence.
For Further Assistance Contact:
Alycia Dylan
Program Director | Addiction 2019
London, UK
P: 44-203-769-1755