UPC Coordinator's Series - Introduction to Prevention Science 28 January - 1 February 2019, Islamabad, Pakistan

Successfully completed Training of Trainers on Course 1: Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) Coordinators Series -Introduction to Prevention Science 28 January - 1 February 2019, Islamabad, Pakistan
Did you know that INL fights drugs worldwide through #publichealth-focused demand reduction, such as this #drugprevention effort in Pakistan, as well as through supply side work? Reducing demand by improving #drugtreatment & prevention are key to stopping trafficking and #addiction!
UNODC Prevention Treatment Rehabilitation Section @UNODC_PTRS Feb 2
More Strengthening capacity for evidence based #drugprevention in Pakistan! @UNODC_PTRS Just concluded a week long training on Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC1). Thanks to the support of @StateINL Pakistan @UNODCPakistan @UNODC