The AU-EU Youth Hub is calling on all civil society organisations to submit concept notes for the AU-EU Youth Hub Call for Proposals

The AU-EU Youth Hub is calling on all civil society organisations to submit concept notes for the AU-EU Youth Hub Call for Proposals. The Call makes available EUR 10 million in 7 lots:
Culture, Arts and Sports
Peace and Security
Governance and Political Inclusion (Accountability)
Governance and Political Inclusion (Remittances)
Environment Preservation and Climate Change
Education and Skills
Business, Job Creation and Entrepreneurship
How to apply
The detailed Guidelines of the Call for Proposals can be found here.
The deadline for submitting concept notes is Friday 21st of June 2019
An online information session will be held on Friday the 3rd of May 2019 during which civil society organisations can pose their questions.
For details on accessing the information session, please contact:
delegation-african-union-fcs [at] eeas [dot] europa [dot] eu (delegation-african-union-fcs[at]eeas[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Less than a year ago, youth from Africa & Europe developed new ideas on six topics, essential to the AU-EU Partnership. The outcome (AU-EU Youth Declaration and Agenda) was presented at the 5th AU-EU Summit in Abidjan.
The AU-EU Youth Cooperation Hub is where African & European Youth THINK and ACT TOGETHER.
The AU-EU Youth Cooperation Hub, launched in October 2018, is about turning some of those ideas into reality; piloting them on a small scale but with maximum impact, visibility and result-evidence. With €10 million, civil society organisations, and 42 Young Experts from both continents as core drivers.