We are Family - Families and their Role in Prevention and Treatment of Drug Use, Crime and Violence, Including the Prevention of Recruitment into Violent Extremist Groups

The 28th Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) is being held from 20 - 24 May 2019. On Monday, 20 May 2019 UNODC's Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation Section organized a side event on We are Family: Families and their role in prevention and treatment of drugs use, crime and violence, including the prevention of recruitment into violent extremist groups, together with Government of Sweden.
More than 40 delegates attended the side event that aims at consolidating a common understanding of the role of families in drug use prevention and treatment, as well as prevention of violence, crime and violent extremism. Speakers from the UNODC Drug Prevention Health Branch (DHB), the Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section (PTRS) and the Terrorism Prevention Branch (TPB) presented new tools and good practices relevant to improve the lives of young people and their families affected by drug use, violence or at risk of recruitment into violent extremist groups.
Furthermore, speakers highlighted the opportunities and synergy effects of working together across UNODC mandate areas, including health and terrorism prevention, a unique way for UNODC to support Member States in an integrated way with a range of challenges being faced.