Alcohol Country Fact Sheets

The 30 country fact sheets for EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland present data on consumption, consequence, and policy implementation for the year 2016, aiming to give guidance to national decision-makers for further priority-setting in the field of alcohol and public health.
Besides trends in alcohol consumption, each fact sheet features a section on alcohol consumption and alcohol-attributable harm, with special attention to young people, and a section on the implementation of key alcohol control policies, including the three WHO “best buys” – price increase, limits on availability and bans on advertising of alcohol. This allows for a quick overview of important subsets of alcohol policy measures that will support countries to assess their own progress towards reducing the burden of noncommunicable diseases and their key risk factors.
The fact sheets also present, for the first time, an individual overview of the composite indicator scores of the 10 areas of action to reduce the harmful use of alcohol.