National Symposium on “Experiences, Challenges and Strategies in Strengthening the Capacity of the Drug Treatment Workforce” and Training on the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) in Jakarta, Indonesia

The UNODC Programme Office for Indonesia in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs, Directorate for People Who Use Drugs organized a National Symposium and Training on the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) for Drug Dependence Treatment and Care Professionals in Jakarta, from 24 to 28 June 2019. One goal of the event was to provide a platform for a national discussion and sharing of information and best practices between the Ministry of Social Affairs, Directorate of People Who Use Drugs, the National Narcotics Board, Directorate of Community-Based Drug Treatment, the Ministry of Health, Sub-directorate of Drug and Civil Societies on “Experiences, Challenges and Strategies in Strengthening the Capacity of the Drug Treatment Workforce”. In addition, the training aimed at sharing the UNODC International Standards of Drug Treatment in Bahasa and at training 100 drug dependence treatment practitioners in Basic Counselling Skills and Screening, Assessment and Treatment Plan. The INL, US Embassy for Indonesia represented the INL, US Department of State as the main donor of this event also attended this event during opening session.