Training of Trainers on the Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) in Pakistan

From 17 - 21 June 2019, UNODC trained a total of 16 trainers in Pakistan on the Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) Course-5 which covers school-based interventions. The training of trainers (ToT) of UPC in Pakistan consists of 3 selected courses from the UPC coordinator series that includes an introduction, school, and media. The participants work for national educational institutes, NGOs, media agencies, federal or provincial governments related to drug use prevention in Pakistan.
This project is funded by USA INL and started together with national policymakers training in February 2018, followed by the preparation workshop in November 2018. The first ToT on the introduction of Prevention Science was held in January 2019. The participants will conduct training campaigns in their region after the third ToT on media-based interventions in July 2019.