UNODC TREATNET Training for Treatment and Care Providers in Senegal

The UNODC’s Regional Office for West and Central Africa (ROSEN), the Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation Section (PTRS) and UNAIDS jointly organized a TREATNET training on drug use disorder treatment and care from July 30th to August 2nd 2019 in Saly-Mbour, Senegal.
Participants included the Ministry of Health, along with twenty-five health and social work professionals, national defence and security forces’ representatives from the different regions of Senegal.
TREATNET is a UNODC capacity building strategy, aiming to strengthen capacities, knowledge, competencies and skills of service providers in the implementation of comprehensive and multisectorial treatment and care strategies.
The workshop was led by psychiatrist-addictologist and focal point of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Abou Sy. TREATNET is divided into several modules covering aspects of drug dependence and the reduction of associated risks.
Participants in the training will act as focal points to diffuse the knowledge and competencies acquired in their professional environments.