Position of the European Society for Prevention Research on Ineffective and Potentially Harmful Approaches in Substance Use Prevention

"Prevention methods using shock tactics are proven to be ineffective. Nevertheless, strategies based on predominantly providing information about the dangers of substance use are widespread in Europe. The European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR) is concerned about those so-called prevention strategies. It calls on decisionmakers, influencers and policymakers to use scientific proof of effectiveness as a criterion for exposing our youth to prevention methods and not to spend public money on rather commercial offers, since there are better and less expensive alternatives."
In a recent position paper, EUSPR highlight their concerns about ineffective and potentially harmful prevention interventions.
They advise that practitioners should 'Act ethically:avoid harm, use science"
The paper discusses the ways different professionals and members of the public can play a role in protecting society from potential harm.
The paper highlights the importance of using scientifically informed training material, and highlights the newly adapted Universal Prevention Curriculum- the European Prevention Curriculum. EUPC has been published by the EMCDDA and can be downloaded on its website.