CND Blog Maps
Submitted by Edie

From its beginnings in 2009, the CND Blog has aimed to ensure transparency and provide live records of the discussions taking place at UN drug policy fora.
In line with these efforts, the CND Blog has launched an exciting new tool: a series of maps that visually represent country positions on key drug policy issues.
- Decriminalisation (2016-present)
- Death penalty (2016-present)
- Gender (2016-present)
- Sustainable development goals (2016-present)
- Human rights (2016-present)
- Proportionality of sentencing (2016-present)
- War on drugs vs. New paradigms (2016-present)
- Drug-free world (2016-present)
- New indicators (2016-present)
- Treaty reform (2016-2018)
- Legalisation / Legal regulation (2016-present)
- Access to essential medicines (2017-present)