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Drug and Alcohol Findings
brief intervention
motivational interviewing
change talk
treatment effectiveness evaluation

Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix Cell B1: Is it what you don’t do that really matters?


This week we focus on one section of the commentary on the matrix cell released last week. The whole cell explored seminal and key research on the influence of the practitioner on screening and brief intervention. Among the issues discussed was “a possibly dispiriting finding: that doing lots of the ‘right’ things in a brief motivational intervention matters little, while just one lapse to the ‘wrong’ sort of comment can be destructive”. Interpreting these findings took us close to the heart of what makes for an effective brief advice session for heavy drinkers.

To go direct to the featured section of the commentary click the link below or paste it in to your web browser address box, being sure to enter the whole address:


Drawn from one of 25 cells in the Alcohol Treatment Matrix ( mapping seminal and key research and guidance on alcohol brief interventions and treatment.

“I just wanted to say that I found this cell [of the Drug Treatment Matrix] and especially the commentary incredibly useful and brilliantly written.”

Renato Masetti Training Co-ordinator, Health Outreach, North Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, England


Sent by Drug and Alcohol Findings ( to alert you to site updates and recent UK-relevant evaluations and reviews of drug/alcohol interventions. Course funded by Alcohol Change UK ( Findings is also supported by the Society for the Study of Addiction and advised by the National Addiction Centre.

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