ASAP Training Project

For a number of years, different measures have been taken in Europe to improve the quality of drug prevention through developing and implementing quality standards, training sessions and analysis of drug prevention systems.
Based on the previous experience of projects like European Drug Prevention Quality Standards (EDPQS) or UPC-Adapt, some European countries (Italy, Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Slovenia and Hungary) and organisations (UNODC, EMCDDA, EUSPR) joined together in the project “Building effective drug prevention results across Europe, based on prevention systems analysis and widespread professional training (ASAP)”.
The aims of the project are to:
Develop a systemic approach to drug prevention, identifying key stakeholders and conducting system analysis for the EU countries;
Supporting the prevention workforce to develop competencies and skills on quality standards and prevention science through the design and implementation of a two-layered training process (training for Master Trainers and Drug Prevention Professionals);
Adapt the quality standards in the different country systems applying existing guidelines;
Develop mechanisms to allow sustainability of project activities through the creation of stakeholders networks (thanks to a Virtual Community of Practice – VCP supported by a digital platform).
For more information you can follow us on:
- Project website:
- Facebook profile: ASAP-Training (ASAPTrainingEU)
- Twitter: ASAP_Training (training_asap)