Video and audio recordings
Publication Date
Published by / Citation
Chudley Edward Werch, PhD
Original Language


United States

SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness High School Program Video

Dear Friends:

Prevention Plus Wellness is inviting prevention and health specialists to review the newly updated SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness High School Program in recorded video format for youth.

If you agree to review this 26-minute video, we will ask you to complete a 2-minute survey providing us with feedback.

You will need a YouTube account to view this video.

If you review the video and provide us with feedback, we are happy to offer you 25% off the purchase of this or any other PPW program video.

Let me know if you’d like to review the video and complete the survey.

All we need is your name and email address, which you can send to: info [at] preventionpluswellness [dot] com (info[at]preventionpluswellness[dot]com)

Remember, you need a YouTube account to access this video.

Thank you.

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