Consultation on "Addressing Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders in Humanitarian and Relief Settings"

The UNODC Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation Section (PTRS) in coordination with WHO and UNHCR is planning a consultation process to develop a technical guidance tool to address substance use and substance use disorders, as well as associated health and social consequences in Relief and Humanitarian Settings, and to increase access to substance use disorder treatment also in Humanitarian Settings. An expert group meeting is tentatively scheduled for the third quarter of 2020.
This initiative derives from the UNGASS outcome document that highlights the need to “protect the health, safety and well-being of individuals, families, vulnerable members of society, communities and society as a whole” and directly supports resolution 61/7 on “Addressing the specific needs of vulnerable members of society in response to the world drug problem”. Displaced populations may be vulnerable to substance use disorders for a variety of reasons. These include pre- or post-migration stress and trauma, including loss of homes and livelihoods, violence, torture, mental health disorders and family separation.
As part of the consultation process civil society organisations are invited to provide relevant information about treatment and care for displaced populations. In particular, NGOs are invited to support UNODC's technical consultation process.
Find out more here.
Deadline: 15 May 2020