UNODC Prevention, Treatment & Rehabilitation Section: Questionnaire on COVID-19 and Drug Use Disorder Treatment Services

The Prevention, Treatment & Rehabilitation Section (PTRS) of UNODC developed a questionnaire to gather insights into the current challenges and responses to COVID-19 and the continuity of drug treatment services.
The questionnaire is intended for treatment service providers and it looks at the impact of the delivery of treatment services and the measures of adaptation to the COVID-19 crisis, specifically what has been done in different places that have proven useful for service continuity.
PTRS is collecting the answers to this questionnaire to measure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on drug treatment service delivery. The questionnaire will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
Please note that all data is confidential and only pertinent UNODC PTRS staff will have access to it. All contact information provided, including your email address and telephone number, will only be used in case UNODC needs to reach out for further clarification.