CADCA Model for Community Change & the Development of Community Anti-Drug Coalitions in the Philippines

This webinar is presented by Eric Siervo, Vice-President of International Programs of CADCA, Dr. Raquel Tolentino, Chairman and Ms. Rhodora Agoncillo, Secretary of the Association of Anti-Drug Abuse Coalitions of the Philippines Inc. Session objectives include an in-depth overview on CADCA Model for Community Change and how it has been adapted to the context of the Philippines to create and maintain safe, healthy and drug-free communities. Additional topics including various phases coalition development, capacity building, partnerships with national and local governments, lessons learned and the establishment of a national coalition umbrella organization AADAC PHL. In addition, two case studies will be presented on how local communities in the Philippines have applied CADCA’s methodology and how coalitions have pivoted to be a part of the local response to the COVID-19 pandemic.