The Sale of Alcohol in South Africa During the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic

On the 12th of July, in a bid to reduce the volume of trauma patients so hospitals have more beds open to treat COVID-19 patients, President Cyril Ramaphosa reintroduced the alcohol ban.
South Africa originally introduced a ban on all alcohol sales on 27 March. However, as lockdown restrictions were reviewed the ban was lifted.
According to President Cyril Ramaphosa, however, since the sale and distribution of alcohol was reintroduced in June, hospitals have experienced a spike in admissions in their trauma and emergency wards.
The South African government has faced pressure from the alcohol industry to relax the ban. The industry argues that the continuation of restrictions on alcohol sales will cause significant and long-lasting damage to the economy.
On the 15th of August, President Cyril Ramaphosa the coronavirus regulations would be eased and the government would end the ban on alcohol and tobacco sales.