Online Training- Families and Substance Use

Course: Families and substance use: the impact of hidden harm, trauma and protective factors
An online training course, delivered via Zoom.
The training will take place over two days and four separate sessions, lasting two and a half hours each. These will take place on:
Monday 28th September : 9.30am - 12 noon
Monday 28th September: 1.00pm - 3.30pm
Tuesday 29th September: 9.30am - 12 noon
Tuesday 29th September: 1.00pm - 3.30pm
By the end of the training learners will:
- Recognise signs of harm caused by parental substance use
- Identify the role of the brain in the development of trauma
- Identify adverse childhood experiences and how they impact on development
- Understand the concept of ‘good enough’ parenting
- State how resilience and protective factors can improve family outcomes
- Have a working knowledge of Hidden Harm and subsequent literature’s recommendations
Book your place on this course through the Adfam eventbrite page.
Participants are required to commit to attending all four sessions in order to be enrolled onto this course. Participants must also be able to access Zoom.
If you have any questions or require any additional information please email admin [at] adfam [dot] org [dot] uk.