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Drug and Alcohol
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common factors
psychosocial therapy
American Psychological Association
Carl Rogers
motivational interviewing
therapeutic relationship
non–directive listening
United Kingdom

Is Reflective Listening All That’s Needed? Highlight from Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix Cell B4


Just two alcohol treatment studies have tested Carl Rogers’ classic account of the “necessary and sufficient conditions” for effective therapy. Each stripped out motivational interviewing’s directive elements, leaving only ‘Rogerian’ empathic and reflective listening. Did the clients do just as well? If the iconoclastic Rogers who “doubted every authority including his own” had lived to find out, he might have felt his doubts only partly justified.

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Drawn from cell B4 of the Alcohol Treatment Matrix, a workforce development resource mapping key research and guidance on alcohol brief interventions and treatment.

"Wow, outstanding work! This is one of the best, most clear and scholarly write ups I've seen of this complex topic."
Dr Lisa M. Najavits, Director of Treatment Innovations and adjunct professor, Massachusetts Medical School, USA, commenting on this cell


Sent by Drug and Alcohol Findings via a third party mailing list to alert you to site updates and recent UK-relevant evaluations and reviews of drug/alcohol interventions. Refresh of the Alcohol Treatment Matrix is funded by Alcohol Change UK. Findings is also supported by the Society for the Study of Addiction, and advised by the National Addiction Centre.

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