Tobacco, Alcohol and Illicit Drugs in the Czech Republic in 2019

This issue of the bulletin Focused was prepared on the basis of the annual report on the 2019 drug situation in the Czech Republic: MRAVČÍK, V., CHOMYNOVÁ, P., GROHMANNOVÁ, K., JANÍKOVÁ, B., ČERNÍKOVÁ, T., ROUS, Z., CIBULKA, J., FIDESOVÁ, H., VOPRAVIL, J. 2020. Výroční zpráva o stavu ve věcech drog v České republice v roce 2019 [Annual Report on the Drug Situation in the Czech Republic in 2019] MRAVČÍK, V. (Ed.). Praha: Úřad vlády České republiky. For detailed references following the citation standards see the Annual Report.
It outlines the current situation and latest developments in drug policy, presents the results of studies of the scope and patterns of drug use, and summarises the situation and changes in the domains of prevention, treatment, and harm reduction, as well as the developments in drug-related crime and recent trends on drug markets. In comparison with the previous year, this report includes more information concerning tobacco and alcohol (in addition to information about the degree and extent of use of these substances, there is also input on the onsequences of their use, and tobacco and alcohol supply), and also addresses the latest situation regarding addictive substances and addiction services during the outbreak of COVID-19 in the spring of 2020.