Evaluation of the Drink Wise Age Well Programme
Submitted by Edie

The Drink Wise, Age Well programme was delivered over five years from 2015 to 2020 in five intervention areas across the UK.
The project had 4 objectives:
- To raise awareness of the issue of alcohol misuse among people over 50, change attitudes, reduce stigma, convey harm reduction messages and influence community norms about the use of alcohol.
- To increase individual and community resilience to alcohol problems in people over 50 and to reduce hazardous, harmful and dependent drinking and related harm in this age group.
- To increase the extent to which community service providers and employers who have regular contact with people over 50 are able to recognise and respond to risky drinking.
- To develop a body of evidence on how to prevent alcohol misuse in people over 50 which will inform future prevention work in the UK.
This report highlight findings from the five-year project.