Webinar Rehabilitation for Clients in the Criminal Justice System “Challenges and opportunities for drug rehabilitation practitioners"

In an effort to tackle the problem of abuse and illicit trafficking of narcotics, psychotropics and addictive substances, the government has enacted Law no. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. Basically, the sanctions regulated in the Narcotics Law adhere to a double track system, namely in the form of criminal sanctions and action sanctions. In its development, narcotics abuse and addicts no longer lead to imprisonment but instead leads to the rehabilitation of substance use disorders. In the Narcotics Law, narcotics users or addicts as perpetrators of narcotics crimes are given imprisonment, while narcotics addicts who are also victims can be sentenced to rehabilitation. This means that in the Narcotics Law, apart from being regulated regarding sentencing, treatment and rehabilitation are also regulated. Although the rules have been established, there are serious obstacles to their implementation. The obstacle is the existence of a behavioral formulation that can be interpreted broadly in uncertainty as a result of several articles that overlap and have multiple meanings (multi-interpretation) which have a direct impact on the decisions given to clients along with the impact when referrals are made to rehabilitation centers.
The condition of the COVID-19 pandemic which limits all face-to-face activities does not make it a barrier to hold important activities that specifically discuss this issue. To that end, the Indonesian Addiction Counsellors Association (IKAI) in collaboration with the International Society for Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) Indonesia, the National Narcotics Board (BNN) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Indonesia held a webinar activity on Saturday, July 31, 2021 at 10.00 WIB.
Keynote Speaker:
Riza Sarasvita, M.Si, MHS, Ph.D. –Deputy of Rehabilitation of National Narcotic Board
Ade Aulia – UNODC Indonesia
Hendra Permana – BRSKPN, Ministry of Social Affairs
dr. Imelda Indrani. Sp.KJ (K) – Drug Dependence Hospital, Jakarta
Samuel Nugraha – Indonesian Addiction Counselors Association
Dr. Diah Setia Utami, Sp.KJ, MARS – ISSUP Indonesia
Hosted by:
dr. Elvina Katerin Sahusilawane, Sp.KJ – ISSUP Indonesia
The webinar also intends to be able to initiate the preparation of recommendations for integrated procedures and mechanisms or management that will become a standard in every rehabilitation service that will treat people with substance use disorders who has faced the criminal justice system in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 35 of 2009. The webinar was attended by 347 participants from various professional backgrounds related to rehabilitation and treatment of substance use disorders.