Further Enhancing the Implementation of Quality Standards in Drug Demand Reduction Across Europe

The EU Strategy 2021-2025 puts further emphasis on QS and evidence-based interventions.
Yet, the extent and ways in which QS are implemented in daily practices of drug prevention, treatment and harm reduction in the EU varies substantially. Some countries have successfully implemented QS.
The general objective of this project is to enhance the implementation of QS in drug prevention, treatment and harm reduction throughout the EU, with more services, organizations and countries applying QS in daily practice.
By identifying ‘good practice’ examples and successful implementation strategies, key stakeholders (e.g. policymakers, service providers, and users) will have access to do’s and don’ts for implementing QS in various areas of drug demand reduction.
The Department of Addictology (Charles University, 1st Faculty of Medicine in Prague, Czech Republic) will lead this work package: Case studies of good practice examples of QS implementation.