ISSUP International Conference 2021 (Virtual) Session 3 - Prevention: Evidence-based principles - theory and practice
Session 3: Prevention: Evidence-based principles - theory and practice
Time: 3.30pm - 5pm (London)
Session Chair: Carlos Ibáñez, MD - Head of Addictions Unit, University Psychiatric Clinic, University of Chile; ISSUP Chile
- Evidence‐based principles for working in Prevention: a consideration of the theory and science behind the principles. Giovanna Campello – Chief, Prevention, Treatment & Rehabilitation Section, UNODC
- Applying the Principles to Practice in Peru: The UPC case study. Fernando Salazar, Ph.D. - Principal Professor, Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University, Lima, Peru; ISSUP Peru
- A prevention case study from Lebanon: Practice Challenges. Anthony Abi Zeid - Programs Associate, Mentor Arabia; ISSUP Lebanon
- Round-table Question & Answer Session: Issues and challenges in translating the theory into practice and examination of practice-based evidence