Smoking and drinking- Selected articles from the journal of alcohol and alcoholism
Submitted by Edie

The featured articles investigate the association of smoking products and alcohol consumption, identify causes and influences, and explore therapeutic avenues and cessation interventions.
Free to access until 31 January!
- Targeting the Opioid Receptors: A Promising Therapeutic Avenue for Treatment in “Heavy Drinking Smokers”
- Behavioral Economic Demand for Alcohol and Cigarettes in Heavy Drinking Smokers: Evidence of Asymmetric Cross-commodity Reinforcing Value
- A Combined Alcohol and Smoking Cue-Reactivity Paradigm in People Who Drink Heavily and Smoke Cigarettes: Preliminary Findings
- Second hits exacerbate alcohol-related organ damage: an update
- Alcohol Use Among Mental Health Professionals in China: A Nationwide Cross-sectional Survey
- The Effect of Smoking on the Association between Long-Term Alcohol Consumption and Dyslipidemia in a Middle-Aged and Older Population
- Tobacco Use Trajectories in Young Adults: Analyses of Predictors Across Systems Levels
- High-School Students Rarely Use E-Cigarettes Alone: A Sociodemographic Analysis of Polysubstance Use Among Adolescents in the United States
- Cannabis and Alcohol Co-Use in a Smoking Cessation Pharmacotherapy Trial for Adolescents and Emerging Adults
- Lack of Association between Opioid-Receptor Genotypes and Smoking Cessation Outcomes in a Randomized, Controlled Naltrexone Trial
- Sex Differences in the Reward-Enhancing Effects of Nicotine on Ethanol Reinforcement: A Reinforcer Demand Analysis
- Concurrent Alcohol Use and Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking: Smoking Topography, Toxicant Exposure, and Abuse Liability
- Changes in Nicotine Metabolite Ratio Among Daily Smokers Receiving Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder
- Level of Alcohol Consumption and Successful Smoking Cessation
- Financial Incentives for Smoking Abstinence in Homeless Smokers: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial