GRACE-International Rehabilitation Center (Beyond the Walls)

On July 6, 2022, a meeting was held at Grace Rehab Chinar Courts, a newly developed facility for the treatment and management of substance use and related psychiatric services, to honor the initiative of contributions in the field of substance use. The discussion took place about future collaborations for training and improving the facility and services in the field with the help of experienced professionals. Miss Nazish Idrees was invited as a guest to join the planning for the management of the facility. The rehab aim at functioning based on the standards of UNODC guidelines under the supervision of expert medical consultants i.e. Dr. Shoaib Zafar, Psychiatrist Mayo Hospital & Dr. Huma Aslam. In the meeting also joined the Director of Grace Rehab Mr. Zafar Iqbal Mian, Chairman of Civil Society Pakistan Mr. Akmal Ovaisi, CEO Silver Lining Mr. Riaz, and Director ISSUP Pakistan Ms. Saima Asghar & Muhammad Aslam. It was an outcome-based approach to the provision of individual-based unique quality psychological services. The facility conducts monthly events to raise awareness in society. Recently, a convention on substance use takes place in the Chughtai lab on March 31, 2022, and awareness walk on 25th June 2022. Brigadier Rashid Minhas from ANF, Health Minister Yadullah, Dr. Ismat Ullah Cheema, and Professor LSPS Department of Psychology The UOL graced the events with their presence and inspiring messages. The center offers free-of-cost internships to the students and invite visitors to take opinion about the services. With the continuous support of the professional circle, it will give a fruitful productive performance.
Best Wishes from:
Dr. Nazish Idrees, PhD., M.S., M.Sc., B.Sc. (Clinical Psychology)
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences at the University of Lahore
Trainer & Supervisor Clinical Psychologist, International Grace Rehabilitation Center, Chinar Courts
Certified Dialectical Behavior Therapist
Certified Couple/Family Therapist
Certified Addiction Prevention and Treatment/Recovery Counseling Professional
Certified Neuro-linguistic programming and Hypnotherapist
Certified Diet and Nutritional Therapist
Certified Memory Improvement Therapist