The UNODC/PTRS demand reduction mentor at the UNODC Programme Office in Indonesia provided technical assistance to the National Narcotics Board (BNN) in conducting a national hybrid training for Government Officials on the UNODC Treatnet Family programme

On July 19th, 2022, the Director of Strengthening Government Institution, Deputy of Rehabilitation, BNN officially launched a national hybrid training on the UNODC Treatnet Family programme with 34 representatives from all BNN provinces and 6 BNN drug treatment centres across Indonesia. The training aims at strengthening the workforce of all BNN offices in each province and drug treatment centres through applying elements of family therapy for adolescents with substance use disorders and their families in their daily clinical settings.
It is important to include families in supporting the recovery of youth with drug use disorders. Recent evidence has shown that familial factors such as negative family process (e.g., low parental warmth, family conflicts, parental hostility) consistently contribute to vulnerabilities in adolescents for initiating and developing substance use disorders and problem behaviours (Essau, 2002, 2008). Family therapy (systematic therapy) is an evidence-based intervention to reduce substance use and delinquency in adolescents and has been recommended by WHO as an effective intervention especially for the treatment of cannabis and stimulant use disorders.
This initiative is in line with UNODC’s mandate in encouraging Member States to “consider implementing scientific evidence-based treatment and sustained recovery programmes, such as psychosocial care, for children and young people that may involve the inclusion of family”.