Inauguration of the YOUFEST on Pakistan Independence Day 2022

On August 14, 2022, Sunday was the day of great hustle and bustle at Grace International Rehabilitation Center. The celebrations of the day had a special purpose to disclose the Global Vision 2030 called YOUFEST. The next 8 years of the plan were developed and presented by Dr Nazish Idrees, the Director of Operations of the Grace International Rehabilitation Center. She introduced the series of events into four areas of major festivals to be held quarterly every year related to sports, health and fitness then educational seminars, motivational acts and the dramatics section that elaborates detailed activities with youth, academic students and staff along with the corporate employees. 100+ audience from all these areas of work joined the event. The purpose was to engage the youth in healthy and energy-taking activities to promote the message and awareness of DRUG-FREE PAKISTAN. This dream would possibly become a reality in the next few years. Similar to what our leaders did, we have taken the lead to make it possible gradually with the help of the community and the general population. This diverse plan has practical steps to follow and achieve the expected outcomes. Freedom will become easier when peers influence the importance of drug prevention and treatment rather than the spread of messages from authority figures.
Few doctors, renowned psychiatrists, pharmacists, students, media influencers and ANF members also participated. Since morning the arrangements to make this day worthwhile efforts were made by the team of the Global Group of Institutes. The CEO, Dr Zafar Iqbal Mian invited the honourable Anti-Narcotics Force Commander Brig. Rashid Minhas to attend the ceremony. The chief guest appreciated the initiative taken by the presenter with encouragement to take the plan forward with the support of ANF. He also distributed a Medal to the team for their continuous dedication to dealing with populations suffering from substance use disorders and related issues.
Best Wishes from:
Dr. Nazish Idrees, PhD., M.S., M.Sc., B.Sc. (Clinical Psychology)
Assistant Professor, Allied Health Sciences, The University of Lahore
Director Operations, Clinical Psychologist, International Grace Rehabilitation Center, Chinar Courts
Certified Dialectical Behavior Therapist
Certified Couple/Family Therapist
Certified Addiction Prevention and Treatment/Recovery Counseling Professional
Certified Neuro-linguistic programming and Hypnotherapist
Certified Diet and Nutritional Therapist
Certified Memory Improvement Therapist