ISSUP Poster for Lisbon Addictions 2022: Study on substance use and the role of families in Kazakhstan, Pakistan and Ukraine

The fourth European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies took place in Lisbon from 23-25 November 2022.
Under the overarching theme of Global Addictions, LxAddictions22 showcased cutting-edge research to help characterise, understand and respond to addiction and addictive behaviours today.
ISSUP Team participated in an oral poster highlighting the lessons learned from a Study on substance use and the role of families in three different countries.
In partnership with its National Chapters in Pakistan, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine, ISSUP undertook a research project on substance use and the role of families at the beginning of 2021. Research has shown that families can play a critical role in influencing individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs). There are a variety of evidence-based approaches that support and strengthen family functioning, but these are not extensively used in low- and middle-income countries.
Convenience sampling was used to identify the involvement of families in the treatment and recovery process of an individual using substances.
Two online surveys were created:
- The first survey focused on the family members of individuals who were using psychoactive substances.
- The second survey on individuals with SUDs.
The survey results showed that family therapy was not accessible and available. The majority of family members across the three countries viewed isolation of the individual using substances as the best way to treat SUDs. The survey highlighted that stigmatisation and a feeling of shame among both families and individuals using substances were prevalent in the majority of the responses. Not only substance use professionals can support service users, our research indicates that individuals with a substance use disorder themselves highly appreciated the significant influence of relatives and family on their successful treatment and recovery.
Here, you can view the poster entitled: "Substance Use and the Role of Families: Results of a Cross-Country Study in Pakistan, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine".