UPC School and Family Pilot Examination

The Global Centre for Credentialing and Certification (GCCC) is looking for volunteers to participate in the pilot testing of the ICAP examination for School and Family Prevention.
When will it take place?
The examination will take place on Thursday, March 30, 2023, at 11 am UTC time.
Do I have to pay?
There is no cost for pilot participants.
What exams are available?
You may choose to take one of two available pilot exams: School Prevention or Family Prevention.
How many places are there?
100 places are available for each exam. If registrations exceed the number of available places, participants will be randomly assigned to either take the test or to a waiting list.
What happens if I pass?
The ICAP-Prevention exam will be launched in April at the ISSUP Regional Conference in Buenos Aires and then soon after that, it will be available for online exams with a remote proctor. If you pass this exam, your score will be held. You will be allowed to apply for the ICAP-Prevention Credential. If you meet the criteria and pass that exam, the Specialty Endorsement (School or Family) will be applied to your Credential. For more information on the ICAP-Prevention go to https://www.globalccc.org/certifications/
What do I need to do?
To take the test, you will need to:
*Reserve about 3 hours to have enough time to calmly complete the exam.
*Secure access to one computer with an internet connection and webcam.
*If accepted, please let GCCC know by 15 March if you are no longer available to take the test at the assigned time so that they can offer the slot to someone on the waiting list.
*Register before Friday, February the 24th 2023
Register here: https://es.surveymonkey.com/r/upcregister