Join the VNGOC/ NYNGOC Ad-Hoc Working Group for NGOs in Latin America

In recent years, ad-hoc civil society working groups have been created with the aim of improving engagement and amplifying voices from Africa and Asia-Pacific. Supported by VNGOC, these groups have held a range of consultations and events to develop, translate and disseminate “common positions” – which were also launched at, and formally submitted to, the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs:
Building on these positive experiences, the New York and Vienna NGO Committees on Drugs invite you to join a new ad-hoc working group for NGOs in Latin America.
We are looking for volunteers from civil society organizations in the region to join this working group and engage in initial teleconferences to discuss barriers to engagement and identify new opportunities – including, possibly, a new regional civil society common position. It is anticipated that these discussions will be held in Spanish. The working group will be expected to develop and implement a work plan for the coming months, with the necessary logistical and other support coming from the Committees themselves. It is hoped that the working group will also have a balanced membership in terms of gender, age, countries and thematic focus. Please note that membership to the working group is not limited to members of the NYNGOC or VNGOC, and you are encouraged to share this invitation with relevant colleagues.
If you would like to be a part of the ad-hoc working group for NGOs in Latin America, please email info [at] vngoc [dot] org by 30 June 2023.