Pakistan Youth Organization organized side event to showcase common position on drugs during CND

Pakistan Youth Organization (PYO) in collaboration with VNGOC Asia Pacific region working group has organized a hybrid side event in MEO 79 to showcase a common position on drugs drafted by VNGOC Asia Pacific region working group in Vienna international centre Austria on 17th March 2023 at 8;00 AM to 8:50 AM. Mr Sana Ullah Rathore welcomed in person and 20 online participants. He presented a brief introduction of PYO and also share empowering youth program of PYO which was implemented in Pakistan with the support of UN HABITAT. This project issued loans to recovering youth after rehabilitation and capacity building. PYO has also signed MoU with the Government for a stall in Cheap Bazaar. Later beneficiaries pay back loans to the organization. He stated that this project was very successful. Later on he also briefly talked about VNGOC Asia Pacific Region working group. He stated that this group was established in 2020 and started working in 2021 for a common position on drugs and conducted virtual consultations with Asia Pacific region organizations. After the suggestions from organizations working group finalized a common position on drugs and the online side event was conducted by the working group at 65th CND in March 2022. Mr Sana Ullah Rathore also made an NGO intervention during the 65th CND session in March 2022 in the general debate. He also shared that 84 organizations signed the common position on drugs. Later during the intercessional debate, Mr Augusto Working Group Member also presented a common position on drugs in September 2022. Now we are holding this side event to showcase the common position on drugs. He also mentioned that the common positions on drugs covered all areas like prevention, treatment recovery, Harm reduction, human rights and other cross-cutting issues. He also acknowledged the efforts of members of the group and Ms Sarah during the whole process. He also thanks Mr Jamie Bridge outgoing Chair, Ms Asia and Ms Penny for their support. Ms Amrita Devi, National Narcotics Board, Republic of Indonesia, made the online presentation. She stated that BNN is implementing drug prevention, treatment and rehabilitation projects and also supporting other initiatives taken by the other organization. BNN, Indonesia incorporated common positions on drugs in their initiatives. Christina Affridi, Karim Khan Affridi welfare Foundation, stated that KKAWF is running a prevention program for youth in Pakistan because 135 Million populations are below 30 years. KKAWF fully support common position on drugs and implementing in their programs. Dayana Vincent, Fourth Waves Foundation, stated that their Foundation works with the youth and implements prevention programs as recommended in the Common Position on drugs. She further mentioned that G-20 conference going to be held in India but drug demand reduction is not included in the agenda of G-20. She has also suggested that VNGOC may write G-20 for the inclusion of DDR in G-20 conference. She said they fully support a common position on drugs. Unchisa Waiting, International Consortium for Drug Policy were also speakers at the event. She said their organization fully support the common position on drugs. Mr Augusto Noguera ARTM and VNGOC moderated the event.