Rome Consensus 2.0 Summit conclusions

Following the conclusion of the Rome Consensus 2.0 Summit, we are still enthusiastic to have met so many partners in person and for the good outcome of the event, which was possible thanks to the availability and contribution of every single person.
It was encouraging to see so much participation that enriched the debate and filled the formal and informal discussion with ideas and new common goals. Each of us, representing our own organization, by adhering to the Rome Consensus 2.0 and to the Partnership celebratory event, gave value to a strategic meeting between different realities that deal with drug issues with the large humanitarian family of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, giving a proof that we can work together on the same side for the good of the most vulnerable.
A combination of ingredients, that if well supported, can give birth to effective synergies on local, national and international level, by implementing humanitarian drug practices in the field and advocating towards humanitarian drug policy. Combining the power of the RCRC emblem with the power of the expertise and engagement of each of the networks were sitting around the table in Rome.
We cannot wait for governments to improve drug policies alone, nor expect that just the voice of authoritative networks trying to influence their policies to have an immediate impact on people's lives. It's up to us to roll up our sleeves, join forces to break down barriers and build new bridges capable of spreading well-being, improving access to care and building safer, welcoming and peaceful communities.
A draft summary is being prepared of what has been said during the Summit, as a common ground to share commitment for the upcoming months. We hope to publish it on the websites of participating organizations, with a direct link to the Rome Consensus 2.0 website to encourage people to be signatories.
Massimo Barra