CIJ Informa No. 100

CIJ Informa No.100
Centros de Integración Juvenil (CIJ), host institution of the ISSUP Mexico Chapter, has published the 100th edition of the CIJ Informa Magazine, where in addition to sharing information about the different activities it carries out in the national context, it reviews the collaborative work carried out with its international allies.
Among others, the international news section includes an article about the ISSUP Regional Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina; the refresher course in UTC and ICAP exam for CIJ professionals in collaboration with CICAD/OAS; and the event organized in commemoration of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, where representatives of ISSUP National Chapters from different countries participated.
The magazine is published in Spanish, but through the QR codes that are in the articles, it is possible to access the content in English, which allows us to reach more and more people, share knowledge and experiences with our international partners.
We invite you to read and share it.