Scientific article
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International Journal of Addiction Research (RIIAD) - Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023): July - December

Here you can find the latest release of the International Journal of Addiction Research (RIIAD). Revista Internacional de Investigación en Adicciones (RIIAD) is a forum of Centros de Integración Juvenil hopes, aimed to promote the publication of scientific research on drug abuse and its care.

RIIAD is published twice a year, online and as a printed journal.

In this issue, you can find some research articles in Spanish, as well as a diverse collection of research articles, studies, and insights contributed by experts and scholars from around the world is brought together. The goal is to continue fostering a deeper understanding of addiction, its complexities, and the interventions that can make a positive impact on individuals and communities.

  • The Importance of an Early Warning System for Drug Policy in Mexico.
  • Adaptation and validation of the test for detecting problems related to alcohol consumption in parents through children's perception.
  • Differences in service utilization, co-occurring disorders, and risk behaviors between men and women receiving treatment in Residential Centers for substance use.
  • Addressing the health of gay men who use substances in Mexico: a focus group approach.
  • Behavioral activation for smoking cessation in college students using videoconferencing: a pilot study.
  • Cognitive performance in methamphetamine users and nonusers in early and prolonged abstinence.
  • Positive interactions (points) between parents and children in early life prevent the development of psychiatric symptoms.
  • Therapeutic treatment factors in recovery identity in people with substance use disorder: content analysis.
  • Marijuana use and child-parenting violence in adolescents.
  • Relationship between stereotypes, traits and gender roles with illegal drug use in Veracruz adolescents.
  • Guaranteeing health, public safety and individual rights.

The International Journal of Addiction Research (RIIAD) remains committed to providing a platform for rigorous and innovative research, promoting evidence-based practices, and facilitating an open exchange of knowledge in the field of addiction research.

Exploration of the articles and findings within this latest issue is encouraged, and we hope they prove to be valuable resources for your research, practice, or personal interest.

This new issue is now available for your perusal and can be accessed by following this link: Link to the Journal Issue(link is external)

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