WAVE opportunities to attend Lisbon Addictions 2024
Submitted by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) -

WAVE (Workforce in Addictions · Valorisation in Europe) is a European project, co-funded by the European Commission, which is contributing to addictions workforce development internationally, and offers different opportunities to participate in the Lisbon Addictions Conference 2024:
- Submit a video to the WAVE Cinema Video Contest relating to any one of the conference themes, for a chance to show your work (research or experience) and compete to win a monetary prize: https://wave-addictionsworkforce.eu/wv-in-lxadd24/#videos
- Apply for one of 120 bursaries to support attendees from underrepresented countries, backgrounds and early career professionals, covering registration, travel and/or accommodation for LxAddictions24: https://wave-addictionsworkforce.eu/wv-bursaries/
Closing deadlines: 31/01/2024