Scientific article
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De Pourcq, K. Deneckere, S., & De Wachter, D. (2023). Implementing quality measurement in the field of drug treatment and harm reduction: A case study in Flanders. Adiktologie, 23(1), 63–72.
Partner Organisation
harm reduction

Implementing Quality Measurement in the Field of Drug Treatment and Harm Reduction: A Case Study in Flanders


Implementing quality measurement is still a challenge in the field of drug treatment and harm reduction. In this case study, we investigate which strategies can be used to enhance the implementation of a policy in which quality indicators are made public.


Building on an evidence-based methodology, this case study shows how an organisation in Flanders – the Flemish Institute for Quality of Care – develops quality indicators along with its strategies to implement the measurement of the indicators.


The study shows three types of quality indicators in the field of drug treatment and harm reduction, which measure suicide prevention, the treatment of Hepatitis C, and the experience of patients/clients. To implement and publicly report these quality indicators, several challenges need to be overcome.


By using a broad range of strategies that do not only focus on the development and selection of indicators, but also embrace the importance of including multiple stakeholders, the Flemish Institute for Quality of Care is capable of launching a quality measurement project that includes quality indicators which are measured and publicly reported over time.

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