Original Language


Green Crescent
flavoured tobacco

The 5th Youth Advocacy Forum

Subject: Invitation to the 5th Youth Advocacy Forum on "E-cigarettes and Vaping Products: An Overlooked Pandemic"

Dear All,

On behalf of the Turkish Green Crescent Society, it is with great pleasure that we extend an invitation to you for the 5th Youth Advocacy Forum, focusing on the theme "E-cigarettes and Vaping Products: An Overlooked Pandemic."

Event Details:

  • Date: August 21, 2024
  • Time: 1:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. (CEST)
  • Platform: Zoom

We are looking forward to the active participation of individuals aged 18-30, who are encouraged to share regional insights and contribute valuable ideas and solutions to the prevalent issues affecting our communities. The Forum warmly welcomes all observers interested in these critical discussions.

Further details regarding the program schedule and insights from previous events will soon be accessible on our official website at

To secure your participation, kindly register via the following link:

Your valuable presence and contributions will undoubtedly enrich the discussions and collective efforts towards addressing this significant public health concern.

We look forward to your participation and engagement at this important event.

Warm regards,


Department of International Cooperation

Tel:   +90 212 527 16 83

Faks: +90 212 522 84 63

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