Day 1, 11:00 - 12.30, ICUDDR, Quality Standards For Prevention - Challenges In Latin America And The Caribbean

Presented at Thessaloniki 2024, on the 26th of June, 2024.


We are currently facing, in our region, the introduction of different approaches to substance use prevention such as the Icelandic model, the Universal Prevention Curriculum-based models, evidence-based interventions focused on specific risk and protective factors, and information-focused interventions. The last one mentioned is the most common in the region because it meets the need of a wide coverage of interventions which is an indicator requested by governments in most countries, regardless of the evaluation of its effect on the target population.

The speakers in this panel will present experiences in research and academic programs in prevention of universities that follow quality standards. The experiences presented could guide policymakers and contribute to adjusting the ongoing interventions to be more effective and generate the needed evidence to make information-based decisions in drug demand reduction. Furthermore, it will allow academia to approach government decision-makers, and possibly, articulate efforts and science-informed decisions between these two areas.

Moderator: Prof. Diana Lesme Romero (⚑ Paraguay) - Catholic University “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción”


Diana Lesme Romero - School psychoactive substance use prevention intervention quality model

Silvia Morales-Chainé - Brief Interventions to selective and indicative prevention in mental health and addictions

Andreas Alexander Hein Willius - Regional Evidence-Based Prevention Hub: A proposal to close quality gaps in prevention initiatives in the region


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