The Relationship Between Depressive Symptomatology and Alcohol Consumption in the Latin American Population Based on Gender and Age

The comorbidity between depression and alcohol consumption is a public health concern, affecting progression, treatment adherence, and outcomes. Alcohol use in Latin America exceeds the global average. This study examined the prevalence of depressive symptoms and risky alcohol consumption, considering gender and age, in 4,890 participants (ages 18-64) from six Latin American countries. Results showed women had higher risky alcohol consumption and more severe depressive symptoms than men. Younger adults (18-24) reported more depression symptoms. Women with risky alcohol consumption had greater depressive symptoms, and younger risky alcohol consumers showed more severe depression. Understanding the gender and age differences is key to designing preventive interventions for these issues.
La comorbilidad entre sintomatología depresiva y consumo de alcohol es un problema de salud pública. Este estudio examinó la prevalencia de depresión y consumo de alcohol de riesgo en 4,890 personas de 18-64 años de seis países latinoamericanos. Las mujeres mostraron mayor consumo de alcohol de riesgo y mayor gravedad de síntomas depresivos que los hombres. Los adultos jóvenes (18-24) reportaron más síntomas de depresión. Las mujeres con consumo de riesgo presentaron mayor sintomatología depresiva, y los consumidores jóvenes mostraron mayor gravedad. Es necesario entender las diferencias por sexo y edad para diseñar intervenciones preventivas.