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Partner Organisation
United States
NIDA International Program

2025 NIDA International Forum Call for Research Poster Abstract Submissions and Travel Award Requests

The NIDA International Program invites researchers from around the world to present their international drug use and addiction research during the 2025 NIDA International Forum.

The NIDA International Program invites researchers from around the world to present their international drug use and addiction research during the 2025 NIDA International Forum. Scientific research poster abstracts should be submitted on a topic relevant to NIDA International Research Priorities and should focus on international research, either conducted entirely in another country or by a multinational team working in another country.

Taking place June 13–14, 2025, in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, the 2025 NIDA International Forum will include a symposium, interactive workshops, research poster session, and networking activities. The Joint CPDD Workshop and NIDA International Forum Research Poster Session will take place on June 14.

The NIDA International Forum is held in conjunction with the 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) but has a separate abstract submission process from the CPDD meeting.

Submit your abstract for the 2025 NIDA International Forum

[The submission link is]

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