Gender mainstreaming for health managers: a practical approach
The manual is a user-friendly guide aimed to raise awareness and develop skills on gender analysis and gender responsive planning in health sector activities. The Manual is conceptually structured to move from awareness to action throughout a three to four day workshop to reduce gender-based inequities in health. Core WHO gender analysis tools are introduced in this participatory training manual, including:
- Gender Analysis Matrix (GAM)
- Gender Analysis Questions (GAQ)
- Gender Responsive Assessment Scale (GRAS)
- Gender Assessment Tool (GAT)
- Gender and health planning and programming checklist
By the end of a workshop using this Manual, users will have developed skills and networks to:
- improve the health of women and girls as set out in several international agreements;
- promote gender equality and health equity by addressing the broader determinants of health for men and boys, women and girls;
- strengthen health systems and primary health care approaches;
- involve women and men in health decisions that directly affect their lives;
- develop, implement and monitor gender-responsive health policies and programmes; and
- engage in multisectoral activities and dialogue towards addressing gender and gender inequality as determinants of health.
The Manual consists of a Facilitator's guide with adaptable learning activities and methods.
Complementary Participant notes provide background reading, work sheets and activities for use during and outside workshop settings. The Manual has been piloted across all WHO regions and contributes to the implementation of the WHO Strategy for Integrating Gender Analysis and Actions into the work of WHO and the accompanying World Health Assembly Resolution 60.25.