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pregnant women
women & children rehabilitation
young men and women
women and alcohol

Women and Drugs

3 hours Educational Training Proposal

Women and Drugs

A productive world demands happy children with drug-free mothers




Target 3.5 in SDG for addiction, the aim is to strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse i.e. narcotic drugs, over the counter prescribed medicinal use and alcohol.

Women faces stronger stigma and discrimination particularly related to prenatal care, regular healthcare facilities, after childbirth financial and family support.


Addiction is one of the brain diseases that demands ongoing interventions at different levels and involvement from a variety of experts to maintain lifelong recovery. Cultural humility for populations with special clinical needs and stakeholders’ engagement is the need of the hour. This workshop covers an overview about increasing trend of substance use among women and its complications with integrated model to prevent this population in our society along with 3 energetic activities related to media-based prevention.


Proposed Schedule:

Who can benefit: People who are working on addiction in any field or they have special interest to serve the community specifically related to women with addiction.

When: Preferably Thursday or Friday, December 12 or 13, 2024

Duration & Timings: 3 hours maximum between 10 am to 1 pm


Tentative Format:

Meet and greet with attendance

A mini 7 MCQs pretest for assessment of knowledge among participants

Differences between drug use among men and women

Commonly used drugs among women

The role of traumatic experiences and trauma informed care

Group Activity to brainstorm and recommend activities for women based on available resources to prevent unhealthy activities

A short break after 1.5 hour, in the middle of workshop, not necessary

Types of possible prevention

Discussion on help from Clinical Counselling Skills (CBT, DBT, ACT, MI and others)

Crises management, support groups and accessibility to recovery management

Final Individual Activity-

(Participants will try to create a slogan to support the special needs for women with addiction to raise the awareness about consequences and present the unique idea with the help of art, it will be a choice for those who would like to use colours to add image for their media slogan)

A post-test for evaluation of workshop effectiveness

Q and A session with Feedback




A proposal by:

Trainer/Instructor/Resource Person: Dr Nazish Idrees Chaudhary

PhD Clinical Psychology

Assistant Professor, LSBS, The UOL

Internationally Certified Addiction Prevention Professional (ICAP-P)

Internationally Certified Addiction Treatment Professional (ICAP-I)

Internationally Certified Women’s Intervention For Substance Exposure, Comprehensive Care for Substance Use Disorder: A Specialized Curriculum (WISE-I, II, III, IV)

Certified Stakeholder’s Engagement Professional

by International Worldwide organizations i.e. DAP, Colombo Plan, ISSUP, ICCUDR and UNODC

International Research and Community Projects Collaborator funded by European Federation)

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